Business Rates appeals
We prefer not to adopt the stance taken by a number of the “specialist” firms, being to press hard for the Rates Payer to sign a contract on the basis of unjustified promises of savings. Instead, we arrange to inspect and survey the Properties at zero charge in the first instance and determine the appropriate Rateable Value, charging a Fee only where a reduction is successfully agreed.
Our Fees are charged at a percentage of any reduction and are done so on a one-off basis, rather than an annual recurring charge. We provide Business Rates advice both for individual units as well as larger assessments, incorporating a number of occupiers on the same Estate.
We have successfully negotiated hundreds of reductions, ranging from £300 to in excess of £100,000.
Services include:
•Empty Property Rates
•Rates Audit
•Rates Management

We have successfully negotiated hundreds of reductions, ranging from £300 to in excess of £100,000.
Relevant case study